Monday, October 18, 2010



PASSWORDS^10 will be held at the University in Bergen (Norway), on December 8-9, 2010. The 2-day conference will be free and open for everyone to attend. Primary audience will be academics and security professionals with deep technical/crypto knowledge. Limited seats available. Passwords & PINs, nothing else.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Can you see my password?

Yeah, that's me and my Superman mug.
I've postponed this blog post for quite some time, but I can't turn away from my own promises. I got pwnd. Or well, almost pwnd. In accordance with the rules and terms of our "competition", I hereby admit that I got (almost) pwnd by Thomas Tjøstheim, with assistance from Thomas Schancke Methlie, Hallvar Helleseth and Jan Fredrik Leversund.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Et sikkert statsbudsjett?

Ja, jeg følger jo med litt jeg også. På statsbudsjettet og sånn. Interessant det. Sikkert noe grumling over det til lunsjen på jobb i morgen tenker jeg. Jeg fant en liten nyhetssak som jeg ble litt nysgjerrig på hos Aftenposten. De har nemlig vært med ned på besøk i det hemmelige statsbudsjett-hvelvet. Slikt blir jeg nysgjerrig på.

Monday, October 04, 2010

How NOT to send account info by mail

(Do i really have to explain this?)
So, i registered at yet another site here the other day, out of curiosity on password practices and so on. Sure, registration using https was in place. I mean, seriously, its 2010, the bad guys are everywhere it seems. Of course you do SSL encryption of account registration on your website, right? Well, the world still has surprises for us all.